Dahlonega First Friday Concert Series...Coming Soon!

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It's hard to believe it, but NEXT FRIDAY is the first Dahlonega First Friday Concert Series! Grab your lawn chair and your loved ones and head on down to Hancock Park each month to hear some excellent music. Pick up a picnic dinner from one of the square's excellent restaurants before the show starts at 6:30. Or grab a drink after the concert wraps up around 8:30 pm. Best part of all, First Friday Concerts are family friendly and free. Here's 2018's line-up:

May 4th
Lumpkin County High School Jazz Band & Chorus Ensemble

June 1st
Southern Accent

July 6th
Radford Windham + Step Back Cadillac

August 3rd
Kurt Thomas 

September 7th
Ugly Cousin

October 5th
Drunk on the Wind 


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