Before we know it, the leaves will be changing and visitors will be flocking to our historic town square in droves. BUT until the bustling days of fall, we're making our way through the very last dog days of summer 2018. You know who's helping us beat the heat? This 4-legged fur baby.
Missy Mae, a rescue, is Cranberry Corner's newest generation of shop dog. Before her was Mollly the Beagle. After that was Mr. Rhett Butler, the somewhat off-kilter one-eyed Poodle. For real, we can't make that up. Fast forward to 2018 and this little Sheltie-mix ball of fluff is stealing everyones' hearts. We recently posted a photo of Missy on our facebook page and a customer who fostered her way back in 2010 sent us this picture of her as a puppy. How adorable was she??
Stop by anytime between 11 am - 5 pm and meet her! She'd love to let you pet her and tell her how pretty she is!
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