Everyone in Dahlonega knows Kranbery Kathy makes THE BEST custom gift baskets in all of North Georgia! And with many gift basket-worthy holidays around the corner, we thought we'd share a few pictures of Kranberry's Kreations! First up, Valentine's Day!
This one was for a wine themed wedding...
For the Easter Bunny...
And don't forget Mother's Day and Father's Day, too! We can tailor the basket to match your recipients hobbies and interests, and we can also do themed baskets. Oh! And our baskets make killer gifts for your wedding party or guests. Best of all you can purchase your items in our store, OR we can assemble your basket with items you've purchased elsewhere. Have a question regarding a custom gift basket? Stop by sometime or call and ask for Kranberry Kathy @ 706-864-6577. We're closed on Tuesdays in January and February, but open every other day of the week from 11-5. See ya' soon!
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